Marc Lane's Blog

Computers, VW, Sustainable farming and whatever else I try to turn my hand at.

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Land Rover Series and Perentie Kangaroo Logo.

Yes I am still alive, and i have today something a little different. I few months back i purchased an old 1962 Series Land Rover, heavily modified with a lot of parts form the Australian Military Perentie. When i was… Continue Reading →

How to Root your $150 Kogan Agora 5 Phone.

So 24 days after my first Agora was dead on arrival, I finally got my Agora 5 replacement. First thing that i noticed were the apps installed by default, Skype (not the standard version from the marketplace another one :S),… Continue Reading →

Bye Google Reader :( Hello Tiny tiny RSS (on Windows)

So google reader is dieing or dead. There are several alternatives out there fever rss reader, looks cool but im not paying $30 for something i cant play with, Then there are a few pay ones at around $10 a… Continue Reading →

Nissan 2003 V35 / Infinity G35 No Radio and no climate AC controls BOSE.

We had a few scorchers the other day (+45C), and the radio began to play up, turning off when i slowed down or cornering, it got to the point where it would just turn off and stay off. I saw… Continue Reading →

Lets make Windows 8 usable with original Windows 7 start button and gadgets.

So your a power windows user, or just used to what you h ad. You made the stupid move to upgrade to Windows 8 and while its faster and has cool features it also has the annoying part of no… Continue Reading →

Windows 7 to Windows 8 upgrade and what i have seen.

I am not entirely sure why but i thought i would give Windows 8 a go. I stupidly upgraded my current windows 7 install rather then a fresh installation or a dual boot. First thing is, I use dual monitors… Continue Reading →

Converting Old Aero Fighters Arcade machine into an Xbox powered gaming center w/ CoinOps

I have had this 1986ish arcade machine, currently running the Aero fighters game. Now whilst i have a few different arcade games to plug into this, it gets a tad boring.  About 3 years ago i came accross a Xbox… Continue Reading →

Idea: Garden monitoring solution.

Blurb: This is just a quick dump of an idea with building electronic devices to live in the garden to monitor and alert you to the status of your plants. Cost:I think you would want to ensure they cost arround… Continue Reading →

DIY Timelapse Dolly rig powered by Arduino and OpenMoco Part 2.

This is a continuation of my previous post . This post will basically focus on the building of the dolly and getting it ready for the miniE controller. So here was my initial brain storm; After thinking about it for a while longer… Continue Reading →

Adafruit Electric Halloween Contest Entry. had a design an electric Halloween graphic contest. I wanted to make something cool and unique. I then came to the crazy idea of making a logo that could actually be etched onto a PCB board and be used. I first… Continue Reading →

Arduino Love electronics RTC – DS3231 wiring example and tutorial.

As you may be aware from my previous post I recently was in the market for a more accurate replacement for the DS1307 RTC clock. I tried with a DS3234 but its SPI interface made it unsuitable in my project… Continue Reading →

DIY Timelapse Dolly rig powered by Arduino and OpenMoco Part 1.

After seeing several Timelapses with movement in them I decided it was time to build myself a Dolly to give my shots some movement. After doing a few googles I found a few images of a simple but easy to… Continue Reading →

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