Abotu a year ago i purchased this 33CC brush cutter from Stratco on sale. Shes not the best but she works ok for the odd use. I couldn’t find the manual online, so I scanned it so if someone else… Continue Reading →
Firstly nClone is a great disk imaging tool, once installed on your nas you can boot your PC and ghost/image the hdds from and to it. So Synology released a new DSM and with it came new security. As per… Continue Reading →
This is just a quick post to show how to make the asus wrt routers (for me the dsl-ac68U) send emails to non gmail domains, like google apps. I tried various things, like editing the email.conf and then editing asp… Continue Reading →
This is a quick hack and slash to capture what i did and used to get this printrboard motor controllers working with the Arduino IDE Things you need to get started, Printrboard, USBTinyISP (or use an arduino to program (http://www.instructables.com/id/Turn-Your-Arduino-Into-an-ISP/),… Continue Reading →
Yes I am still alive, and i have today something a little different. I few months back i purchased an old 1962 Series Land Rover, heavily modified with a lot of parts form the Australian Military Perentie. When i was… Continue Reading →
I have had this 1986ish arcade machine, currently running the Aero fighters game. Now whilst i have a few different arcade games to plug into this, it gets a tad boring. About 3 years ago i came accross a Xbox… Continue Reading →
This is a continuation of my previous post http://www.l8ter.com/?p=390 . This post will basically focus on the building of the dolly and getting it ready for the miniE controller. So here was my initial brain storm; After thinking about it for a while longer… Continue Reading →
Adafruit.com had a design an electric Halloween graphic contest. I wanted to make something cool and unique. I then came to the crazy idea of making a logo that could actually be etched onto a PCB board and be used. I first… Continue Reading →
As you may be aware from my previous post I recently was in the market for a more accurate replacement for the DS1307 RTC clock. I tried with a DS3234 but its SPI interface made it unsuitable in my project… Continue Reading →
After seeing several Timelapses with movement in them I decided it was time to build myself a Dolly to give my shots some movement. After doing a few googles I found a few images of a simple but easy to… Continue Reading →
I recently purchased a Arduino DeadOn RTC DS3234 breakout board. (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10160). Initially i was planning to use this as a (more accurate) replacement for a DS1307, only to find out that the DS1307 uses I2C whilst the… Continue Reading →
I have recently beeing getting into timelapse, My major problem was that i wanted to use the Sony NEX-5 to take the shots, the issue with this camera is it only has IR as a trigger. There are a variety… Continue Reading →
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