Computers, VW, Sustainable farming and whatever else I try to turn my hand at.

Category IT

Get nClone working with Synology DSM 6

Firstly nClone is a great disk imaging tool, once installed on your nas you can boot your PC and ghost/image the hdds from and to it. So Synology released a new DSM and with it came new security. As per… Continue Reading →

Allow ASUSWRT AiProtection send emails via Google Apps or 3rd party SMTP

This is just a quick post to show how to make the asus wrt routers (for me the dsl-ac68U) send emails to non gmail domains, like google apps. I tried various things, like editing the email.conf and then editing asp… Continue Reading →

Synology NAS DSM 5.2 nClone and php json_encode.

Just a quick one. So I use nClone to image my computers using the Synology NAS and PXE booting. In lamens terms its like ghost or clonezilla, however it boots via PXE and backs up directly to the Synology NAS,… Continue Reading →

How to Root your $150 Kogan Agora 5 Phone.

So 24 days after my first Agora was dead on arrival, I finally got my Agora 5 replacement. First thing that i noticed were the apps installed by default, Skype (not the standard version from the marketplace another one :S),… Continue Reading →

Bye Google Reader :( Hello Tiny tiny RSS (on Windows)

So google reader is dieing or dead. There are several alternatives out there fever rss reader, looks cool but im not paying $30 for something i cant play with, Then there are a few pay ones at around $10 a… Continue Reading →

Lets make Windows 8 usable with original Windows 7 start button and gadgets.

So your a power windows user, or just used to what you h ad. You made the stupid move to upgrade to Windows 8 and while its faster and has cool features it also has the annoying part of no… Continue Reading →

Windows 7 to Windows 8 upgrade and what i have seen.

I am not entirely sure why but i thought i would give Windows 8 a go. I stupidly upgraded my current windows 7 install rather then a fresh installation or a dual boot. First thing is, I use dual monitors… Continue Reading →

Converting Old Aero Fighters Arcade machine into an Xbox powered gaming center w/ CoinOps

I have had this 1986ish arcade machine, currently running the Aero fighters game. Now whilst i have a few different arcade games to plug into this, it gets a tad boring.  About 3 years ago i came accross a Xbox… Continue Reading →

DIY Timelapse Dolly rig powered by Arduino and OpenMoco Part 2.

This is a continuation of my previous post . This post will basically focus on the building of the dolly and getting it ready for the miniE controller. So here was my initial brain storm; After thinking about it for a while longer… Continue Reading →

Adafruit Electric Halloween Contest Entry. had a design an electric Halloween graphic contest. I wanted to make something cool and unique. I then came to the crazy idea of making a logo that could actually be etched onto a PCB board and be used. I first… Continue Reading →

DIY Timelapse Dolly rig powered by Arduino and OpenMoco Part 1.

After seeing several Timelapses with movement in them I decided it was time to build myself a Dolly to give my shots some movement. After doing a few googles I found a few images of a simple but easy to… Continue Reading →

Arduino Timelapse IR remote for NEX-5

I have recently beeing getting into timelapse, My major problem was that i wanted to use the Sony NEX-5 to take the shots, the issue with this camera is it only has IR as a trigger. There are a variety… Continue Reading →

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